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  • 3 years I participated in a social project: classic books for children
  • I provided design services to one film festival for 10 years
  • I have supported the music festival for over 12 years.
  • one of my clients, a large railway company from Vienna, has been working with me since 2003
  • I designed a sparkling water label after which the client’s sales increased sevenfold
  • I worked at the largest TV channel in Ukraine as a web designer and we achieved a result of 4,000, 000 users per day
  • came up with and implemented a project to create websites for 37 schools and kindergartens in my region
  • developed brand book for my city and also created sub-brands for 12 municipal companies in the city
  • I got a job at a cult contemporary art magazine and took part in the creation of the latest issue
  • Milestones

    My dad brought me a US design magazine called DESIGN IN USA, it really inspired me and after I read it I told my mom that I wanted to be a designer.
    13 years old
    after 9 years of studying in a philology class, at the age of 13, I decided to transfer to a mathematics class and study computer science, math, physics and chemistry closely.
    15 years old
    in order to save up for my first serious computer, I got a job for 15 years as a janitor, in six months I collected the required amount and achieved my goal
    19 years old
    In the third year of the institute, instead of doing an internship, I set up my largest enterprise in my city, a sea trade port and drew maps in Сorel.
    21 years old
    21 years old I moved to a big city and got a job at the largest advertising agency as a designer. After 2 months my billboards were already hanging all over the city.
    26 years old
    For 26 years I got a job at my dream magazine, which was dedicated to contemporary art. there I created his last issue #60. According to the art director and founder This was the best number
    29 years old
    at the age of 29, together with my students, I created a small design studio and together with them we developed three large books dedicated to the best architectural studios in Ukraine
    37 years old
    at 37 years old I received a contract in the city of Abu Dhabi for a large IT company, for a year I lived in the United Arab Emirates
    40 years old
    40 years old I received my first offer from an American company from San Francisco
    11 years old
    at the age of 11, my mother bought me a programmable calculator, after which I created a game on it and played with my friend.
    14 years old
    in Pascal I wrote my own graphic editor and took part in the Informatics Olympiad
    17 years old
    at the age of 17 I entered the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, majoring in computer science and physics
    20 years old
    20 years old I found my first job as a graphic designer in a small photo studio
    23 years old
    For 23 years, together with our team, we have developed one successful brand that has become famous - the so-called Fani cow, which has become a recognizable milk brand
    27 years old
    27 I got a job as a teacher of design and computer science at the Computer Academy where I taught for 3 years and studied many students
    31 years old
    at 31 I moved to the capital of Ukraine, the city of Kyiv, where an attempt was also made to found my own company. We created many interesting brands, but this idea was not successful
    38 years old
    When I was 38 years old, I developed a brand book of Irpin city, which I worked on with my team for two years, publishing many sub-brands and developing the city.
    42 years old
    42 years old I got a job and a contract from a Swiss company that developed one of the most popular blockchain games
    Years of Experience
    0 +
    years I have been serving one client
    0 +
    0 +
    created more than 50 brands
    0 +
    0 +
    YT Subscribers
    0 k
    scope of activities:
    graphic design
    web design
    user experience design
    corporate identity
    digital art
    books and magazines
    outdoor ads
    poster design
    package design
    label design
    video editing
    user interfaces
    game ui
    marketing design
    style guides
    cover design